
Project funding and grants (PI only)

French Embassy in Japan Grant for the organization of the workshop "Ecotic: Political, Religious and Ecological Stakes of Autonomous Robotics". 2022

Joint research with AMADA AI Innovation Lab. 2021~now

Joint research with Japanese company Surfclean. 2018-now

Joint research with French company Orange Lab. 2018-now

科研費 H31基盤研究(C)(一般) - Grant-in-aid for scientific research type C
「Development of artificial agents for the classroom and study of their efficiency」

Joint work with Aichi sangyo. 2021

Joint research with Sagamihara Incubation Center. 2019~2021

French Embassy in Japan Grant for the organization of the workshop "Ecotic: Political, Religious and Ecological Stakes of Autonomous Robotics". 2020

Joint research with Japanese company Kawada robotics. 2019

Tateishi research grant type A 2019.

「Study on teaching styles and s tudents ’ behavior in STEM classes for the development of robotic lecturers」

二国間交流 Bilateral program DST-JSPS grant for 2017 and 2018, with Prof. Anup NANDY from National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, India.
「Development of a pathological healthcare system for early detection of neurological gait abnormalities」

JSPS Summer program 2018 for Maike Klein (Stuttgart University, Germany)
「Integrating Philosophical and Technical Requirements for Emotions in Artificial Systems」

✔ Editage-Edge travel grant 2017.
「Speaking about robots: my trilingual daily challenge」

French Embassy in Japan Grant for the organization of the workshop "Ecotic: Political, Religious and Ecological Stakes of Autonomous Robotics". 2018

JSPS Invited Research grant 2017 (long term) for Prof. Dominique Lestel (ENS, France)

「Optimality in human motion control」

JASSO "Short Stay Short Visit" program 2016 to send 2 students for 3 months to the Institut en Communication et Cybernetique de Nantes, France, and to receive 2 students from the Institut en Communication et Cybernetique de Nantes for up to 6 months.

JASSO "Short Stay Short Visit" program 2016 to send 2 students for 3 months to the Montpellier University, France, and to receive 2 students from Montpellier University for up to 6 months.

「The role of dynamics in human motor control during rehabilitation tasks」

JASSO "Short Stay Short Visit" program 2015 to send 2 students for up to 4 months to Waterloo University, Canada, and to receive 2 students from Waterloo University, Canada for up to 4 months.

JASSO "Short Stay Short Visit" program 2015 to send 2 students for 6 months to the Institut en Communication et Cybernetique de Nantes, France, and to receive 2 students from the Institut en Communication et Cybernetique de Nantes for up to 6 months.

科研費 挑戦的萌芽研究 - Challenging Exploratory Research 2015.
「Metamorph robot for deep study in social human robot interaction」

二国間交流 Bilateral program MAEDI-JSPS grant for 2015 and 2016, with Prof. Raphael DUMAS from IFSTTAR, Lyon, France
「人間の人体歩行の力学推定 - Identification of the human locomotion dynamics」


JSPS 外国人特別研究員2014 (Postdoc fellowship long term) for Dr. Vincent Bonnet

JASSO "Short Stay Short Visit" program 2014 to send 3 students for 80 days to the Institut en Communication et Cybernetique de Nantes, France, and to receive 2 students from the Institut en Communication et Cybernetique de Nantes for up to 6 months.


JSPS Research grant 2013 (Europe-short term) for Dr. Vincent Bonnet

✔ 科研費 「科学研究費助成事業」平成25年度若手研究 B-type

「振興調整費・女性」女性未来育成機構24年度 S-type

海外共同研究発展ファンド 2012

JSPS Research grant 2012 (Europe-short term) for Clint Hansen
「Optimization of the Body Segment Inertial Parameter estimation (BSIP) techniques」

JSPS Postdoc research grant 2012 (Europe-short term) for Dr. Qin Zhang

Joint research with Toyota Central Lab, Japan. 2011-2012

JST A-STEP探索タイプ 2011

「振興調整費・女性」女性未来育成機構23年度 S-type

Neurocreative Lab research grant 2010
「Revealing the perception and understanding process of affects in others movements and its application to robotics」

JSPS Invited Research grant 2010 (short term) for Prof. Maxime Gautier (Nantes University, France)

二国間交流 Bilateral program INRIA-JSPS SAKURA Ayame Junior grant for 2010 and 2011, with Dr. Mitsuhiro HAYASHIBE from INRIA, Montpellier, France

「振興調整費・女性」女性未来育成機構22年度 A-type

Joint research with Japanese company Solution. 2009-2015

JSPS Start-up grant for 2009 and 2010

「振興調整費・女性」女性未来育成機構21年度 A-type

NIH/NIBIB EMBC08 Conference Support Award to attend EMBC conference

Japan Society for Promotion of Science Postdoctoral fellowship for two years

Grant in Aid for Scientific Research from the Japan Society for Promotion of Science 2004-2006

IEEE/RAS grant to attend the IEEE/RAS and ISRS International School of Robotics Science 2005

JSPS grant to attend the ESF-JSPS Frontier Science Conference for Young Researchers on Experimental Cognitive Robotics, Shonan Village, Kanagawa, Japan, March 2008.