
International activities

Advisory board

Advisory board member, CRC 1261 - Magnetoelectric Sensors: From Composite Materials to Biomagnetic Diagnostics

Ethic board

Ethic board member of project ERC project EMTHEC Emotional Machines: the technological transformation of intimacy in Japan.

Research project evaluation

Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science.

Agence Nationale de la Recherche, France.

INRIA, France.

NWO domain TTW, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, NWO, Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, The Netherlands.

NSERC, Canada.

Hans Fischer Senior Fellowship, Institute for Advanced Study, Technical University of Munich, Germany.  

★ Affiliations

IEEE senior member
IEEE Robotic and Automation Society
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
IEEE Computer Society
IEEE Education Society

★ IEEE-Robotics and Automation Society

RAS Long Range Planning Committee member 2024-2025
Workshop and tutorial chair IEEE/RAS ICRA conference 2024.
Workshop chair IEEE/RAS Humanoids conference 2023.
Program co-chair IEEE ARSO 2023.
Publication chair IEEE/Humanoids 2022.
Program chair IEEE/RAS/RSJ/KROS ROMAN 2022.  
Committee Member, IEEE RAS CARES (Committee to Aid Reporting on Misconduct Concerns 2021~now.
Publicity chair IEEE?RAS Humanoids 2020/2021.
Senior Editor IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2020~
Award committee member, Service robotics, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2020.
Associate editor IEEE Transactions in Robotics 2019~2022.
General co-chair IEEE Humanoids 2019.
Editor of the Proceedings of the IEEE/RAS International conference on Humanoids 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019.
Guest associate editor IEEE Transactions on Robotics Special Issue on "Movement Science for Humans and Humanoids: Methods and Applications" 2016.
IEEE/RAS Ad Hoc WIE (Women in Engineering) Committee, 2013~2016.
Associate editor & program committee member IEEE/RAS IROS conference 2013~now.
Associate editor & program committee member IEEE/RAS-EMBS Biorob conferences 2010~2018.
Associate editor & program committee member IEEE/RAS Humanoids conferences 2012~2015.
Session chair Humanoids 2012~now.
Session chair IROS 2008~now.
Session chair BIOROB 2010~now.


IFToMM International Honors and Awards Advisory Panel member 2023~now
General Secretary IFToMM World Congress 2023.
IFToMM Nominating committee member 2020-2023.
Program chair ROMANSY 2020.
Co-organizer of the 1st IFToMM Japan International Summer School on Mechanical Science and Robotics 2018.
IFToMM Technical committee on Robotics and Mechatronics member 2017~now.
IFToMM Technical committee on Biomechanical Engineering member 2017~now.
Executive commitee Asian MMS 2012.
Community editor IFToMM Cafe.
Program commitee member ROMANSY.
Session chair IFToMM World Congress 2019.
Session chair Asian MMS 2012.


Tutorial Co-chair IFAC Workd Congress 2023.
General chair SyRoCo 2021/22.
Program committee member WROCO 2019.
Program committee member SyRoCo 2018.
Program committee member World congress 2016.
Program committee member SYSID.
Session chair IFAC World Congress 2014.


General co-chair RSS 2025.
Program co-chair RSS 2024.
Workshop and Tutorial chair RSS 2021.
Area chair RSS 2020.
Area chair RSS 2019.
Guest Editor IJRR special issue International Symposium on Experimental Robotics.
Editor 2016 International Symposium on Experimental Robotics
, Kulić, D., Nakamura, Y., Khatib, O., Venture, G. (Eds.), ISBN 978-3-319-50115-4.
Publicity chair
2016 International Symposium on Experimental Robotics
Program committee member 2016 International Symposium on Experimental Robotics
Program commitee member RSS.
Session chair ISRR 2013.

★ Others

Associate editor Interaction Studies 2021~now.
Associate editor Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics 2018~now.
Associate editor International Journal of Humanoid robotics 2017~2020
Associate editor Frontiers in Robotics and AI 2015~2020.
Associate editor ICARV conference.
General chair Ecotic 2018.
General chair Ecotic 2020.
Executive committee member ICARV 2012.
Program committee member Meder 2018.
Program committee member DHM 2017.
Program committee member HRI.
Program committee member ICSR.
Program committee member AIM.
Program committee member EMBC.
Program committee member WAFR.
Program committee member ROBIO.

Domestic activities

Research project evaluation

Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science, Japan.

★ Affiliations

Institut pour l'Etude des Relations Homme-Robots

★ Robotics Society of Japan ロボット学会

Elected representative (delegate) 2023~2027
Member of the committee for Gender equity, 2021~
Board of Directors, International affairs, 2020~2022
Technical commitee on humanoid robotics member, 2017~now
Special lecturer RSJ Summer School in Humanoid robotics - ロボット学会ヒューマノイド・ロボティクス2017夏の学校 2017.
Session chair RSJ 2010~2012, 2020~.
Session organizer RSJ International session 2010~2014, 2020~.

★ Japanese council of IFToMM 日本IFToMM

Vice President 2023~
General secretary 2016~2022.
Executive committee member, 2009~now
Organizer of Jc-IFToMM Symposium 2017.
Reviewer for Jc-IFToMM symposium.
Session chair Jc-IFToMM symposium 2012~now.

★ Kansei Engineering 日本感性工学会

Reviewer for 日本感性工学会論文誌.

★ Others

Program co-chair 3rd International Workshop on Cognition: Interdisciplinary Foundations, Models and Applications (CIFMA 2021).
Organizing committee D&D 2018.
Special Lecturer for 日本機械学会「英語力強化合宿 Academic Boot Camp」2013~2017.
Exuctive committee member 関東支部講演会 2014.
Exuctive committee member MOVIC 2013.
Session chair 関東支部講演会2014.
Session chair Robotics Symposia 2013.

★ The University of Tokyo

★ Committee and board member
The University of Tokyo, Faculty of Engineeering, Scientific strategic committee, member, 2023~2024.

★ Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

★ Committee and board member
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Faculty of Engineering, International strategic committee, co-chair 2014.
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Faculty of Engineering, International strategic committee, member 2010-2011, 2014-2015, 2017-2018.
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Publicity strategic committee, member 2012-2013, 2019.

Workshop, Symposium tutorial organizer:
ICSR 2017 workshop on "Modes of Interaction for Social Robots: Postures, Gestures and Micro-interactions (Part I. Small robots)",ICMI 2016 1 day workshop; ICRA 2015, 1/2 day workshop; ICRA 2014, one day workshop; 1st Symposium on Human Movement Understanding and Neuromechanics, 2014; IROS 2013, one day Tutorial; MOVIC 2013; Asian MMS2012; IROS 2011, one day Workshop;

Session organizer:
ESB 2016, Special session; RSJ 2014, International session; RSJ 2013, International session; RSJ 2012, International session; RSJ 2011, International session; RSJ 2010, International session

★ Outreach, Social Programs, public events & Promotion of Women in Science and Engineering

Hatsumei kids 「全日本学生児童発明くふう展」, jury member.

Tokyo Forum 2023, panel organizer, "Why Are Robots Questioning Humanity?", Tokyo, Japan, November 30th-December 1st, 2023.

High school visit and seminar, Makuhari Junior and Senior High School, Chiba, Japan, November 27th, 2023.

The Rising Stars Women in Engineering Workshop, Master of Ceremony, Tokyo, Japan, November 20th-22nd, 2023.

Tokyo Forum 2022, panel organizer, "What Future for the Society with Robots and AI? Economy, Ecology and Politics beyond Human Beings", Tokyo, Japan, December 1st-2nd, 2022.

Open Forum on gender equality, Robotics Society of Japan conference, Tokyo, Japan, September 9th, 2022.

Open Forum on publishing in English scientific research, Robotics Society of Japan conference, Tokyo, Japan, September 9th, 2022.

G. Venture, ロボティクスの先生ってなんの仕事?, Mukogaoka Junior high school, March 15th, 2019.

G. Venture, "Being a woman in a robots’ world", European Research Night - Gender Equality in Research & Dual-Careers at the occasion of the 2018 International Women's day, Tokyo, Japan, March 8th 2018.

G. Venture, "Human motion analysis and robotics: 感情認識とロボット工学の試み", 三鷹ネットワーク大学企画講座, Tokyo, Japan, November 10th, 2017.

Lecture on Dynamics identification for humanoid robots at the RSJ Summer school in humanoid robotics, September 15th 2017.

Reading live Mandala 2017: As part of our project "What does it mean to live with robots?" together with philosopher Prof. D. Lestel, L. Rincon, L-E. Coronado and Y. Yamagami we will join the reading live event at Mandala Minami Aoyama with some of our robots, August 28th 2017.

Science talk as part of the exhibition "Human & robot - Shaping the future" at the Nature and Science museum, August 26th 2017.

Panelist at "Signature of Life: Arts and Robotics", Tokyo, Japan, March 20th 2017.

Sakura science lecture, Tokyo, Japan, January 2017 and July 14th 2017.

Plenary talk at "U18 Symposium: Robot, AI and Human", Tokyo, Japan, October 2016.

Redaction of articles for IEEE-RAS-WIE column of RAS Magazine.

Plenary talk at the "Lectures for Women in Science", Tokyo, Japan, November 2012.

Lectures at Johoku Saitama Prefecture high school, Japan, March 2012.

Mechworld 2017 (2 programs); Mechworld 2016 (2 programs); Mechworld 2015 (1 program)

2013 "Summer program" for high school female students, 2012 "Summer program" for high school female students

"2015 Science for female high school students" summer school, "2014 Science for female highschool students" summer school, "2013 Science for female highschool students" summer school, "2012 Science for female highschool students" summer school, "2011 Science for female highschool students" summer school, "2010 Science for female highschool students" summer school